Posts tagged with ‘Director’

1118 of 18 items

Think Safety First – Think Safety this Spring

by Admin

Think Safety First – Think Safety this Spring. Spring time is a perfect time to clean, organize and get rid of unnecessary items in your house. Think Safety First when you start your spring cleaning.


Stratford EMS recognizes that our Team Members are our most important asset.  We are committed to their continual growth and success. SEMS is part of Connecticut’s SW Region 1 EMS system.  The Town of Stratford’s EMS is a municipal, “third-service” department serving a community of over 52,000 residents with both BLS and ALS. level response,…

Heart Health – Heart Attack Symptoms

by Admin

Heart Health – Heart Attack Symptoms. Stratford EMS wants you to think Safety First. Know your heart attack signs and symptoms. If you suspect you’re having a heart attack, call 911 immediately.

Think Safety First – Summer Safety Tips

by Admin

Seasons change and so do the safety hazards. Summertime is so much fun for families, especially in a beach town like Stratford. Think “Safety First” to ensure your family has a wonderful time this summer.

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