Think Safety First – Think Safety this Spring
Think Safety First – Think Safety this Spring. Spring time is a perfect time to clean, organize and get rid of unnecessary items in your house. Think Safety First when you start your spring cleaning.
Think Safety First – Think Safety this Spring. Spring time is a perfect time to clean, organize and get rid of unnecessary items in your house. Think Safety First when you start your spring cleaning.
Think Safety First – Winter Sports Safety Tips: The outdoor winter sports season is in full swing, and Stratford EMS would like to remind people about winter sports safety tips.
Think ‘FAST’ to deal with strokes – Strokes can happen at any age, but approximately 25% of strokes occur in people under 65 years of age. When you see these — act F.A.S.T.
Heart Health – During a 911 call for a heart attack. What to Expect During a 911 call for a heart attack.
Heart Health – Heart Attack Symptoms. Stratford EMS wants you to think Safety First. Know your heart attack signs and symptoms. If you suspect you’re having a heart attack, call 911 immediately.
Heart Health – Avoiding Heart Attacks: 7 Tips for avoiding/preventing heart attacks
Seasons change and so do the safety hazards. Summertime is so much fun for families, especially in a beach town like Stratford. Think “Safety First” to ensure your family has a wonderful time this summer.