Website StratfordEMS1 Stratford EMS
Stratfords Emergency Medical Service since 1977: Stratford EMS is the primary BLS and ALS EMS response service for the Town of Stratford
Come Volunteer with Stratford EMS
Volunteer CEVO, EMR, EMT or Paramedic
We are always recruiting volunteers into our organization. If you are a State of Connecticut certified CEVO/EMR/EMT or Licensed Paramedic, you can download our Volunteer Application here or stop by our main EMS headquarters at 2712 Main Street, Stratford. If you have no certification, SEMS periodically offers “public Emergency Vehicle Operator courses” as a opportunity to volunteer with SEMS and give back to the community. These opportunities can also be found on our Training page.
Stratford Volunteer Recruitment Brochure
To apply for this job email your details to emsadmin@stratfordems.org