Sports Equipment Removal in EMS – CME

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Date: Saturday, May 25, 2019

Time: 1100-1300

Location: SEMS, 2712 Main Street, Stratford, CT 06615 

Speaker: Ashley Frisina-Deyo, MS, LAT, ATC


Summer is upon us and field sports is beginning.  It is important for EMS personnel to be prepared for what they will encounter.

This 2 hour CME (LCCR) session will have a running time of approximately 2 hours with a 45-minute lecture, 45-minute practice, 30-minute wrap up.

The purpose of this program is to train EMS providers on the current Athletic Trainers’ (AT) guidelines for football equipment removal.  According to research, “American football is characterized by high impact collisions, leading to the possibility of severe injury – including head or cervical spine injury, cardiac arrest, loss of consciousness, and possible airway obstruction, amongst other pathologies. In the event of injury, protective equipment can pose a barrier to effective emergency care.” ( Wright et. Al)

Due to the possibility of severe injury, it is important for EMS personnel serving communities with football programs to have the knowledge on how to handle different types of equipment and removal in diverse injury situations.  Research has supported the need for prehospital care teams to be trained in equipment removal.  This program would also allow EMS and ATs to work together in the prehospital setting to deliver quality care to the injured athlete.

As part of this training session, we will be collecting data from the participants regarding their perceived level of difficulty of the task before and after.

Intended Audience: EMS, ALS, BLS, First Responder field personnel




If you are having trouble with online registration, please call 203-385-4060