SEMS 2016 Spring Company Meeting

(SEMS Members Only)


It is Company Meeting time again.  We will be conducting our company meetings through this month.  We will be discussing many items including “where we were”, “where we are”, and “where were going” as a “state of the department” like address. Attendance at one of the meetings will be mandatory.  If you cannot make ANY of the currently listed meetings, please let us know and we will determine if additional sessions need to be added.

Please see the following dates/times and sign up through Nancy so that we have a head count for each date.

  1. Tuesday 03/15 @ 0700
  2. Thursday 03/17 @ 1800
  3. Saturday 03/19 @ 1000
  4. Monday 03/21 @ 1500
  5. Tuesday 03/22 @ 1800
  6. Wednesday 03/23 @ 1600
  7. Friday 03/25 @ 0800
  8. Saturday 03/26 1200
  9. Tuesday 03/29 @ 1600
  10. Wednesday 03/30 1800

Currently this makes 10 Sessions

3 mornings

4 afternoons

3 evenings

(2 weekends)

This information has been posted in the main entrance lobby and duty room as well as on our website, Facebook and EMS Manager.


Please RSVP with Nancy @ 203-385-4060

Spring 2016 Company Meeting