Intro to Human Trafficking for EMS


Date:    Monday, December 12, 2022

Time:   1700-2100

Location: Stratford EMS, 2712 Main Street, Stratford, CT  06615

Lecturer: Suzi Smolinsky, HT-Isntructor


CME:  2.0 – NCCR


The objective of this training is to enhance emergency medical services personnel (Paramedics, EMT’s, and First Responders) understanding of Child Trafficking. The training assists participants in identifying victims of child trafficking as well as receiving tips on how best to respond and support identified trafficking victims. Participants will learn definitions, federal and state legislation related to human trafficking, prevalence of child sex and labor trafficking in CT, pathways to victimization, warning signs, impact to the victims, and who are the buyers/exploiters of this crime. EMS specific information and resources are included to assist EMS with identifying victims of human trafficking during emergency responses in the community. This training is 2 hours and materials utilized are videos and PowerPoint.

This training meets the recent addition to Public Act 21-103 which added EMS personnel to the list of those professions required to participate in approved educational program for the accurate and prompt identification and reporting of suspected human trafficking.

2 Hours CT State CME Credit.
No charge

Intended Audience:This curriculum is designed for emergency medical services personnel (Paramedics, EMT’s, and First Responders).


To register for this course, please click one of the links below or visit our website: