DT4EMS – Escaping Violent Encounters – EMS/Fire


Patient and Provider Scene Safety Training for America’s First Responders

Provided by: Stratford EMS Training & Education Center (SEMSTEC)



Course #: E2023081901

Date: August 19 & 20, 2023 (2 days / 16 hrs)

Time: 0800-1700 both days

Location: Stratford EMS

Cost: $300.00 per non- SEMS affiliated student

CME Credit: Pending

COVID: Please bring a mask, Hand sanitizer will be provided


(This is a two (2) day / 16 hour course)




COVID: You will be temperature screened into the Training Center.  Please bring a mask.  Hand Sanitizer will be provided

To empower cultural and behavioral modification through the enforcement of exemplary customer service, reasonability, and industry best practices that yield a reduction in employer liability and culminate in an increase employee safety and security.

Intended Audience: All levels of pre-hospital providers & firefighters

Length: 16 Hour (Two Day Course)

Focus:   EMTs, Firefighters, Paramedics

Length: 16 Hour (Two Day Course)

Materials:  Upon successful completion of the course, participants receive a course CD and continued access (during certification period) to the online student area containing review material.

Injury through assault remains a widely recognized, but little acknowledged, problem threatening emergency service personnel.  Many EMS and fire personnel admit to being attacked by a violent patient, an angry bystander or upset family member.  The frequency of assault on our fire and EMS providers is alarming and while most attacks are not life threatening, the risk of serious injury is evident and unpredictable. Responders require a reasonable, liability-conscious, effective means of preventing and avoiding assault, before it occurs, and defending themselves once attacked.

EVE4EMS/Fire covers the basic skills required by any responder or provider when facing possible or imminent assault or use of force.

Course Content:

  • Customer Service (Foundation of all DT4EMS courses)
  • Mental Preparation and Physical Fitness
  • Recognizing true need for safety training in EMS/Fire
  • Documentation Skills
  • Courtroom Demeanor
  • Dispatch-to-Scene and On-Scene Indicators
  • Patient vs. Attacker recognition
  • Pre-Assault Indicators
  • Verbal Skills to diffuse potentially violent encounters
  • Differentiating between self-defense, fighting, and police control tactics
  • Easy to learn and retain “drills” to reinforce reaction timing
  • Various aspects of reasonable self-defense
  • Escapes from standing, ground, and unusual positions

Real-World Application

In real pre-hospital situations, crisis creates chaotic rage, insulin shock overcomes reason, mentally challenged act on delusions, substance abuse enables superhuman strength, and career criminals lash out at responders even as they are engaged in life-saving efforts.  EVE4EMS/Fire  gives responders the ability to recognize a developing threat of assault, deflect it if possible, escape if practicable, and to defend if necessary.  We utilize a combination of disciplines bringing a potent combination of techniques into one comprehensive training course.

  • EVE4EMS/Fire is Tangible.  This course is geared toward the finest problem-solvers in our society, to mitigate a confrontational situation through universal concepts of conflict resolution, deflection and recognition, and physical avoidance and escape.  While other “easy-to-sell” or “feel-good” courses sound appealing, these systems fail conclusively by providing concepts that only work in the classroom.  Inevitable failures of impracticable training system put careers at risk and create liability as these unrealistic methods leave providers resorting to primitive survival responses.  This non-violent system of prevention and avoidance takes an unassuming approach to the subject.
  • EVE4EMS/Fire is Practical.  This course provides verbal and physical deflection skills are simple and easy to remember and apply.  Our system of assault avoidance and response is designed to be relevant to every member of an EMS agency or fire department regardless of strength, gender, or size.  The curriculum is applicable in every prehospital setting, from the back of an ambulance at freeway speeds, a dark hallway in the inner city, or medical clinic.  We provide training in individual skills that every provider should know to avoid assault – especially when working in a remote location with only a partner present.  We not only avoid fancy, easily forgotten techniques, we do not teach them at all.
  • EVE4EMS/Fire is Defensible.  Responders face the daily prospect of assault and injury.  Untrained responders resort to creative methods such as “hit ‘em with the oxygen bottle” – something this training will help to prevent.  Improvisation of primitive tactics may later be found to be unreasonable, and sometimes even have criminal liability.  Additionally, employers may be subject to huge civil liability exposure because of employee actions.  We educate responders on reasonable use of force and when to deploy force if absolutely necessary.  EVE4EMS/Fire provides Assault Response Guidelines for instances when prevention and avoidance are just not enough.
  • EVE4EMS/Fire is Cost-Effective.  Injury from assault can cost an employer thousands of dollars in unproductive wages, injury settlement, and legal fees.  One instance can bring a hefty $10,000 price tag as a starting point – the same amount needed to train 100 employees in with a reasonable, liability-conscious, effective means of preventing and avoiding assault, before it occurs, and defending themselves once attacked.
  • EVE4EMS/Fire is Liability Conscious.  Beyond receiving training in the limits to force and restraint, participants are trained in articulation and documentation skills that will hold up to any scrutiny in any legal or ethical venue.  Sound decisions in the face of a dangerous assault by a patient, and the articulation skills to prove the rationality of those responses, will reduce the liability exposure in any situation.