The next CEVO III training program is being offered this month. EMS members need only to attend the two Monday Sessions, 1/11 & 1/25 from 1900 – 2200. As posted in the crew room at HQ, there are two other sessions that will be needed for new members joining SEMS for vehicle familiarization, CPR, etc. Road time requirements will be discussed in the first class for new drivers.
Additional classroom sessions will also be offered over the next four months, as well as during the regularly scheduled new member orientation as needed. SEMS is looking to have all members certified to the National Safety Council CEVO III level in 2016 – this does NOT mean that all members will be required to drive, but the class certification and awareness is a critical component of the pre-hospital emergency medical care system.
Per-diem and full time employees that have not presented this certification from other training are also required to attend, and will be paid for their attendance.
Future classes in the upcoming months will be held on various weekdays and weekends to allow for scheduling considerations. These will be posted in the next three weeks.
To sign up for the January sessions, please contact Nancy at 203-385-4060. The more CEVO III certified member SEMS has will allow us to be better prepared to support the needs of the Community.
For further information on the course, please feel free to contact Barry Kelly at