We are please to announce our Fall 2014 CEVO III Training program. This program is open to all members wishing to be certified to the CEVO III level, regarless of status of regular or probationary membership. The course will consist of two classroom sessions, individual one-on-one road time, and Emergency call responses as the EVO with an assigned FTO.

Classroom dates for September are Tuesday 9/23 and Friday 9/26 from 7:00 PM -10:00 PM in the EMS Training Room.

Per diem members who are not certified by Stratford EMS to the National Safety Council CEVO III Level are also encouraged to attend these sessions. Additonal classroom only sessions for per diem members not able to attend in September will also be offered at times TBD in October and November. Per Diem members need only attend the classroom sessions at this time.

To register, please email Barry Kelly, Operations Supervisor /  Lead CEVO III Instructor at bkelly@townofstratford.com – for further details or to answer any questions that you might have, please contact Barry at 203-556-2150.