AHA ACLS -Instructor Course
Advanced Cardiac Life Support Instructor
Provided by: Stratford EMS Training & Education Center (SEMSTEC) & Stratford Volunteer EMS Association (SVEMSA)
Time: 0800-1700
Location: Stratford EMS Headquarters, 2712 Main Street, Stratford, CT 06615 (Parking in rear)
Lecturer: Jack Rodican, Paramedics, EMS-I, AHA-I
Cost: $425 for SEMS Staff / $850 for non-SEMS staff
Who should attend:
This course is open to and designed for the Advanced Healthcare provider (Paramedic, RN, PA, MD) who wished to become an Instructor in ACLS.
What’s included:
Course text, certification
The Town of Stratford is a designated HEARTSafe Community. One of the foundational purposes of HEARTSafe is to ensure healthcare providers are trained in CPR and AED use so that when a cardiac arrest occurs, the average lay person can help.
Stratford EMS Training & Education Center (SEMSTEC) will be hosting an American Heart Association (AHA) Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Instructor course which will enable the student to conduct ACLS courses..
The training will include both lecture and skills training and will cover advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), EKG, pharmacology and other advanced life saving concepts.
COVID: Please bring a mask, hand sanitizer will be provided