Posts by Admin

3140 of 101 items

Stratford program takes holistic approach to helping

by Admin

The Community Care Program goes to places like this motel to help guests or residents and try to intervene when trouble arises. The new town initiative helps to offer solutions, not incarceration, to people who commit minor crimes or who need help with opioid addiction. The program works to get people better in touch with the services they need.

Stratford EMS staff receive CT EMS Awards

by Admin

Stratford EMS staff receive CT EMS Awards National Emergency Medical Services Week 2017   STRATFORD, May 22, 2017 — Two Stratford EMS staff members were recognized today in an awards ceremony at the State Capital this morning.  Present for the awards were State Representatives Hoydick, Gresko and McGorty who presented General Assembly Citations introduced by themselves…

Stratford EMS receives AHA Mission: Lifeline EMS Silver Recognition Award

by Admin

Stratford EMS has received the American Heart Association’s Mission: Lifeline® EMS Silver Award for implementing quality improvement measures for the treatment of patients who experience severe heart attacks and strokes. This is the third year in a row that they have been recognized for their high quality performance in cardiac care.

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